Answers to Common Questions
Explore our FAQs: This section of the most frequently asked questions is updated periodically to ensure the most up-to-date FAQ information is available.
We have assembled this selection of our most frequently asked questions for your information and convenience.
Requests for internship are reviewed and considered on a case-by-case basis. Determinations can take a significant amount of time, so please plan accordingly.
No. TSERA Special Police is not involved in the issuance of credentials or licensing for any security, police, or other personnel.
Yes and no. From time to time, we may offer limited professional development training opportunities to qualified armed professionals in select subject areas. However, training provided may not be recognized as continuing education by your credentialing authority.
We provide service to multiple areas. For the most up-to-date information, please visit our Locations Page.
Yes. All field-assigned personnel utilize body-worn cameras (BWC). This is required by policy, in accordance with established law.
Yes. Field-assigned uniform personnel have arrest authority. Whether granted through legislative, executive, judicial, or common-law processes, or a combination thereof; arrest authority is granted and exercised within all jurisdictions in which we are lawfully authorized to conduct operations.
ISO 26000 — Social Responsibility,
ISO 31000 — Risk Management, and,
ISO 37001 — Anti-Bribery Management.
We will occasionally, based on the details and scope of work; and, provided the determination and/or awarding criteria is not based primarily on lowest-cost.
Pursuant to the National Response Framework (NRF), TSERA Special Police falls under: ESF #13 – Public Safety and Security.
We partially support: ESF # 9 – Search and Rescue,
ESF #11 – Agriculture and Natural Resources Annex, and,
ESF #12 – Energy.
We will need to obtain some information from you including the name and type of your organization, type of services needed, duration of your need, and additional details pertinent to your needs. This is best handled by phone, to ensure nothing is potentially misunderstood.
We partner with and are retained by corporate, government, and nonprofit organizations spanning numerous vertical market segments. With few exceptions, chances are we provide service to your particular market segment.
Yes, a selection of our most-requested services are available for free real-world trials for qualified partners, clients, and organizations. Some limitations and restrictions may apply.